Sunday, 19 April 2015

AGM 2015 !

Dear everyone,

It is that time of year again, the time of the AGM, the time to say good bye to the old committee and hold elections for the new one! This year, the AGM will take place on Friday 24th April at 5pm, in the School's Reading Room (K012 -TBC). In order to run for a position on the committee, you need to be there in person! Here are the positions you can run for:

(Nota bene: all new position-holders will receive "training" from the outgoing committee members, especially auditor, treasurer, trip advisor, and web admin. So no need to worry!).

Hail Caesar! As auditor, you are the head of the committee and represents the Society. You are in charge of coordinating everything and make sure things run smoothly. You get to introduce the inaugural lecture speaker - yay! - aaaand to do all the paperwork related to the society- boooh! But don't worry, your committee is there to help you! 

You're the Money Man/Woman! You are in charge of keeping track of the Society's expenses and all that. It is a very stressful position, and involves a lot of paperwork and duties. BUT, not only is it great experience and looks good on your CV, but also, you won't be left alone with this daunting task: the Senior Treasurer (a responsible adult, currently Dr. Steve Davis) is there to make sure you don't do anything wrong and bring the Society to bankruptcy ;) 

You are maybe the one most important person in the committee! No, seriously, you are the one who organises meeting, hunts other committee members down to remind them of said meeting, you also take minutes and email them to everyone, thus making sure everyone is up to date with what is going on. See what I meant? The committee neeeeds you!

Public Relations Officer! You are the Face and Voice of the society, the one who looks after all society members and make sure they're having a good time. You are in charge of organising social events, and the one society member can ask about anything that is going on in the Society (as you are the one writing the weekly emails). You are also the main contact point for the organisation of the weekly seminars - along with the auditor.

Trip Officer
It's all in the name! You're the one who gets to organise The One Big Trip of the Year and bring the society abroad! Other than that, you also organise local trips, and other events. Now before you get all excited and start planning trips to exotic destinations, just bear in mind that as a Trip Officer, you not only need to organise transport, accommodation (where relevant), entry to sites, etc. etc. but you are responsible for everyone going on your trips! So no losing freshers abroad please. Nein, nein, nein!

Web administrator
You are the Messenger of the committee, and for this you have two essential weapons of choice: Facebook and this absolutely beautiful website (what? biased? Of course, the current web administrator is writing those words...). So just as the secretary needs to keep the whole committee informed of everything that is going on, YOU, as web administrator, need to tell THE WHOLE WORLD about it! Facebook events, website posts, Tweets... You make sure events are publicised, seminar reports are uploaded and events documented by pictures and write-ups on the website. You make sure the Society goes down in history and archaeologists of the future can find out about what we did!

And you guys, may not need to stand for elections, but you are the blood of the committee. You are the fuel that brings this wonderful machine to life! You are the minions who make it all happen! 

Right, if this has not convinced you to stand for elections, then there is nothing more I can do for you! You should still come to the AGM and vote for your mates!

Friday 24th April
K012 (TBC)
Be there!

Web administrator

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